Every business online operates with some sort of business model there are few basic models for enterprise according to Marko Hurst and usually 9 business models . Brokerage , advertising , infomediary , merchant , manufacturer , affiliate , community , subscription , utility are the 9 main business models . Every business model has its unique features and every model operates according to its own features. Broker makes link between manufacturer to consumer, manufacturer to manufacturer , consumer to consumer and through this mechanism business is operated. Every business model has its own features like in subscription model consumer or buyer s charged daily , weekly , monthly or annually based on level of purchase. In manufacturer level direct link between manufacturer and consumer is made . In advertising various advertisements are done to promote businesses . These business models are adopted by firms and according to Marko Hurst usually firms appoint 2 basic models from that 2 basic model of his . Amazon has adopted 3 out of 4 businesses models of Hurst. So all these models have different identity.
Information and Communication Technologies(ICT) can change the economies of the world . Every economy and society can be changed with ICTs but there is need to adopt it with efficiency. ICT revolution in progress in lots of nations but still its not widely spread. Various countries like Ethiopia and Central American nations reached improved positions in ranking of ICTs. In advanced economies certain segments of society are getting benefitted whereas lots of people are deprived of it because of their age , limited digital literacy and lack of access to technology.
Information and Communication Technologies(ICT) can change the economies of the world . Every economy and society can be changed with ICTs but there is need to adopt it with efficiency. ICT revolution in progress in lots of nations but still its not widely spread. Various countries like Ethiopia and Central American nations reached improved positions in ranking of ICTs. In advanced economies certain segments of society are getting benefitted whereas lots of people are deprived of it because of their age , limited digital literacy and lack of access to technology.